
Tools, services, and information to help you deepen your connection to your ancestral roots and find your place in the long family story. 

Chinese Genealogical Research Services

Louise Skyles is a professionally trained genealogist with 25 years of experience researching and studying Chinese family records and Chinese historical documents.

She has extensive experience with the clans of the Guangdong area, and has acquired digital and physical copies of the jiapus and zupus of many of the clans. She also has a growing digital collection of Chinese-Hawaiian records.

In recent years, the clans have been working to rebuild and restore the records that were burned to ashes in the 1960s Cultural Revolution. Since 2021, Louise has helped many Chinese Hawaiian families from the Chock, Goo, Hee, Chun, Huang, Lee, Liu, Loo, Lam, Mo, Siu, Tom, Tong, Wei, Wong, Zhao, and Zheng clans find their connecting points in the long histories of their clans.

Learn more about Louise and how to request her help. > 


Legacy Video Production

Every family has a storyteller

Your grandmother, your brother, your great-aunt Bea. You.

Legacy videos, or “video biographies,” allow storytellers to capture cherished moments from their past. While family photo albums packed with snapshots have their place, video adds voice.

And voice adds nuance, dimension, and a frame of reference to a story. Not only does it bring the tale alive, it captures it – forever – and carries the story into the future.

Video adds life to story and adds stories to lives.

We are passionate about documenting voices in a way that’s both personal and authentic. The result? The stories of your loved ones live on.

To learn more:

Contact us: Grant Fu and K’ai Roberts Fu (206) 973-0844 Seattle WA.


We fly back to Hawaii 3 times a year, we can schedule a consultation to answer any questions you may have.

We are fully vaccinated for Covid.