Message from New President Liane Fu

I am both honored and humbled to be given the privilege of serving Kung Sheong Doo (KSD) as your president.

Firstly, I would like to thank my predecessor Wesley Mun for not only keeping our KSD membership intact during the worst global disaster in living memory (COVID), but to create conditions in which we were able to not only survive but to thrive as well. With his unique skill sets, he was able to rise to the occasion and find a path to growth for our organization, despite the crisis the world was confronted with. We owe Wesley a huge debt of gratitude for leading us through the COVID crisis.

Our KSD events provide a continuity of community, fellowship & family. It is my hope that KSD will always be able to provide that sense of stability needed not only for the growth of the individual but also for the growth of the community as well. We are fortunate that the generations before us have given us the tools to pass this valuable legacy on to the youth of KSD, now and into the future.

Now that the cobwebs have been shaken off, I plan to hit the ground running and do all that is necessary to continue to provide you with the quality fun events that you have come to love & expect from KSD.

Liane Fu, President